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 年 ~ 


Report on survey on international hub

海老澤 宏文 ; 星野 淳子; 橋本 和一郎; 岡田 漱平

Ebisawa, Hirobumi; Hoshino, Junko; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; Okada, Sohei


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is promoting initiative to form an international Center of Excellence in line with its aim to accept more researchers/engineers from all over the world. Establishment of "Promotion Committee for International Center of Excellence" was planned in 2010 so as to intensify this initiative, and in February, 2010, we visited research institutions in Europe, which include European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the construction site of ITER in Cadarache, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), with the intention to survey and learn their advanced activities and systems in regard to the international Center of Excellence, so that the committee will be able to make fruitful discussion. This report describes strategy taken in each institution for an international Center of Excellence, and the state of each institution regarding acceptance and management of overseas researchers and engineers, research environment, living environment/health and welfare, and PR activities/coexistence with the local community.



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