Decommissioning plutonium fuel fabrication facility
家村 圭輔
; 中井 宏二; 綿引 政俊
; 北村 哲浩
; 鈴木 一敬; 青木 義一
Iemura, Keisuke; Nakai, Koji; Watahiki, Masatoshi; Kitamura, Akihiro; Suzuki, Kazunori; Aoki, Yoshikazu
Plutonium fuel fabrication facility is constructed in 1972 and it is almost 40 years of age and equipment and components comprises the facility start degrading. Therefore we need to start dismantling gloveboxes from old ones first and at the same time to maintain the facility components and structures and gloveboxes as necessary. Also, since waste storage space is limited in the site, we effectively use open spaces generated after removing gloveboxes and equipment as temporal waste storage space. After shipping these wastes from the facility, final characterization of the facility will be conducted and demolition of the facility will be take place.