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Report on the research through the U.S. DOE "The International Search and Consequence Management Workshop (ISCM-WS)"

川上 剛; 田崎 隆

Kawakami, Takeshi; Tasaki, Takashi


The International Search and Consequence Management Workshop (ISCM-WS) that was organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) took place from May 17th to May 20th, 2010. The Aim of this Workshop is to build and enhance the global capacity to prevent and respond to nuclear and radiological emergencies, and it directly supports the aims of global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism. DOE brought together 92 officials from 26 countries and 3 officials from IAEA in this Workshop. DOE introduced two matters in USA, First is response against nuclear and radiological terrorisms and second is technology, systems, activity for consequence management. This review report summarized the observation in the ISCM-WS including activity of DOE/NNSA's Search Response Team and activity of consequence management.



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