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Report No.

Growth temperature dependence of strain relaxation during InGaAs/GaAs(0 0 1) heteroepitaxy

Sasaki, Takuo*; Suzuki, Hidetoshi*; Sai, Akihisa*; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Fujikawa, Seiji; Kamiya, Itaru*; Oshita, Yoshio*; Yamaguchi, Masafumi*

Growth temperature dependence of strain relaxation during In$$_{0.12}]$$Ga$$_{0.88}$$As/GaAs(001) molecular beam epitaxy was studied by in situ X-ray reciprocal space mapping. Evolution of the residual strain and crystal quality for the InGaAs film was obtained as a function of film thickness at growth temperatures of 420, 445 and 477 $$^{circ}$$C. In the early stages of strain relaxation, it was found that evolution of the residual strain and crystal quality was dependent on the growth temperature. In order to discuss this observation quantitatively, the strain relaxation model was proposed based on the Dodson-Tsao kinetic model, and its validity was demonstrated by good agreement with the experimental residual strain. Additionally, rate coefficients reflecting dislocation motions during strain relaxation were obtained as a function of growth temperature and strain relaxation was discussed in terms of the thermally active dislocation motion.



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