Study on the evaluation method to determine the radioactivity concentration in the bituminized products generated from research facilities
辻 智之 ; 亀尾 裕 ; 坂井 章浩 ; 天澤 弘也; 高橋 邦明
Tsuji, Tomoyuki; Kameo, Yutaka; Sakai, Akihiro; Amazawa, Hiroya; Takahashi, Kuniaki
In order to dispose of low-level radioactive wastes generated from various nuclear facilities in JAEA, we need to establish practical evaluation methods to determine radioactivity concentrations of the important nuclides for safety assessment on disposal of radioactive wastes. In this report, we have studied on establishing the practical evaluation methods such as the scaling factor method for bituminized products generated at Nuclear Science Research Institute and also summarized subjects for establishment of the practical evaluation methods for the bituminized products.