Radiation transport calculations for cosmic radiation
遠藤 章
; 佐藤 達彦

Endo, Akira; Sato, Tatsuhiko
Radiation environment inside spacecrafts includes the primary radiation in space and secondary radiation produced by the interaction of the primary radiation with the equipment of the spacecrafts. Radiation fields inside astronauts are different from those outside them, because of the body-self shielding as well as the nuclear reactions occurring in the human body. Several computer codes have been developed to simulate the coupled transport of proton, heavy ions, and the secondary radiation produced in matter, and applied to space radiation protection: shielding design of spacecrafts, simulation of detector response, and analysis of organ doses in the human body. The presentation will focus on the methods and computer codes for radiation transport calculation of cosmic radiation, and their application to analysis of radiation fields inside spacecrafts, evaluation of organ doses and quality factors, and calculation of dose conversion coefficients using the ICRP reference phantoms.