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Effect of the soft X-rays on highly hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films


神田 一浩*; 横田 久美子*; 田川 雅人*; 戸出 真由美; 寺岡 有殿; 松井 真二*

Kanda, Kazuhiro*; Yokota, Kumiko*; Tagawa, Masahito*; Tode, Mayumi; Teraoka, Yuden; Matsui, Shinji*

The effect of soft X-ray irradiation of diamond-like carbon films in vacuum was investigated using synchrotron radiation (SR). Etching and the desorption of hydrogen upon SR exposure in vacuum occurred in highly hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (H-DLC) films; these processes were not observed in the irradiation of a low-hydrogenated DLC film. The extent of decrease in hydrogen content due to SR exposure was found to decrease with increasing the etching ratio of the H-DLC film. This indicates that hydrogen desorption from the H-DLC films competed with the etching process. Namely, the modified surface, in which hydrogen content was decreased by SR exposure, was immediately removed from the H-DLC film that had a high etching rate.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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