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Properties of ferromagnetic superconductors


青木 大*; Hardy, F.*; 三宅 厚志*; Taufour, V.*; 松田 達磨; Flouquet, J.*

Aoki, Dai*; Hardy, F.*; Miyake, Atsushi*; Taufour, V.*; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Flouquet, J.*

Thanks to the discovery in the last decade of three uranium ferromagnetic superconductors, UGe$$_2$$, URhGe and UCoGe, the fascinating aspects of the interplay between the triplet state of Cooper pairing and ferromagnetism have emerged. Furthermore, as the ferromagneticproperties in the normal state are quite different with respect to the proximity of the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic instabilities, the feedback with the coexistence of superconductivity gives rise to quite different boundaries in pressure and magnetic field. Specialattention is given on the location of the materials with respect to the tricriticality and on the reinforcement of SC in a transverse field response with respect to the direction of the FM sublattice magnetization.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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