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 年 ~ 

Observation of plasma density dependence of electromagnetic soliton excitation by an intense laser pulse


Sarri, G.*; Kar, S.*; Romagnani, L.*; Bulanov, S. V.; Cecchetti, C. A.*; Galimberti, M.*; Gizzi, L. A.*; Heathcote, R.*; Jung, R.*; Kourakis, I.*; Osterholz, J.*; Schiavi, A.*; Willi, O.*; Borghesi, M.*

Sarri, G.*; Kar, S.*; Romagnani, L.*; Bulanov, S. V.; Cecchetti, C. A.*; Galimberti, M.*; Gizzi, L. A.*; Heathcote, R.*; Jung, R.*; Kourakis, I.*; Osterholz, J.*; Schiavi, A.*; Willi, O.*; Borghesi, M.*

The experimental evidence of the correlation between the initial electron density of the plasma and electromagnetic soliton excitation at the wake of an intense and short laser pulse is presented. The spatial distribution of the solitons, together with their late time evolution into post-solitons, is found to be dependent upon the background plasma parameters, in agreement with published analytical and numerical findings. The measured temporal evolution and electrostatic field distribution of the structures are consistent with their late time evolution and the occurrence of multiple merging of neighboring post-solitons.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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