Coherent spontaneous decay following multi-atom excitationwith FEL pulses; Prospects for X-ray superradiance from clusters
多数原子のFEL励起に伴うコヒーレント協調蛍光; クラスターX線超蛍光へ
Harries, J.; 永園 充*; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
Harries, J.; Nagasono, Mitsuru*; Iwayama, Hiroshi*; Togashi, Tadashi*; Tono, Kensuke*; Yabashi, Makina*; Semba, Yasunori*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Ishikawa, Tetsuya*; Shigemasa, Eiji*
Recently we have observed superfluorescence following 1s 1s np excitation in helium using 100 fs pulses from the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (SCSS) test accelerator beamline. One requirement for collective decay (as opposed to the competing natural decay and amplified spontaneous emission) is that the inter-atom spacing must be less than the wavelength of the emitted radiation. For visible radiation this is easily achievable in the gas phase, but for shorter wavelengths, clusters and other nano-scale particles present an ideal opportunity for observing and exploiting this mode of decay, which competes with all other decay mechanisms, including Auger. The potential for observing X-ray superradiance from multiphoton excited clusters has been described previously, but to our knowledge never been observed experimentally. We present details of our study in atomic helium gas, and discuss prospects for the extension to clusters and other nano-sized particles.