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伊與田 宗慶*; 松田 朋己*; 佐野 智一*; 茂田 正哉*; 菖蒲 敬久; 湯本 博勝*; 小山 貴久*; 山崎 裕史*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; et al.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 94, p.424 - 434, 2023/05
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:75.29(Engineering, Manufacturing)Aluminum alloys are increasingly being applied to automobile bodies to reduce the weight of automobiles. In joining steel materials and aluminum alloys using resistance spot welding (RSW), it is important to control the state of intermetallic compounds due to the temperature at the joining interface. In other words, in RSW of Fe/Al dissimilar materials, it is necessary to clarify the heating and cooling phenomena of the interface temperature during joining. Although the convection behavior of the molten aluminum alloy is thought to influence the temperature distribution at the joining interface, there are no studies that have directly observed this phenomenon. In this study, convection in molten zone of aluminum alloy during RSW of steel and aluminum alloy is discussed. Direct observations were attempted in order to clarify the convection behavior of the molten aluminum alloy in RSW of steel and aluminum alloy. The main feature of this experiment is that a real-scale test piece and an RSW apparatus used in actual production were used to observe convection during actual production. The observation experiments were conducted using synchrotron radiation X-ray at SPring-8. During welding, the specimens were irradiated with synchrotron radiation X-ray, and convection was observed from the behavior of tracer particles placed on the specimens. As a results, three types of convection were observed: radial outward convection from the center of the molten zone at the joining interface, convection from the edge of the molten zone toward its center, and weak circulating convection at the edge of the molten zone. And, small convection velocities were generated at the edge of the molten zone. Furthermore, the convection velocity inside the molten zone was calculated to be approximately 1.75 m/s. In addition, it was shown that there is a correlation between convection behavior and the shape of the molten zone.
二澤 宏司*; 米田 安宏; 上野 剛*; 村上 博則*; 岡島 由佳*; 山本 健一郎*; 仙波 泰徳*; 上杉 健太朗*; 田中 義人*; 山本 雅樹*; et al.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20(2), p.219 - 225, 2013/03
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:53.26(Instruments & Instrumentation)シリコン(111)結晶を用いた放射光X線のサジタル集光を行った。結晶弯曲時に生じるアンチクラシカル歪みを軽減するために溝型結晶を用いたが、この結晶には理想的な凹面曲げを実現するために結晶の外形寸法に黄金比と呼ばれる律速があると信じられてきた。しかし、我々は、この従来の黄金比を大きく逸脱するアスペクト比の結晶においても良好なサジタル集光が可能であることを示した。理論上、偏光電磁石ビームラインの発光点サイズと同等のビームサイズまで集光可能であるため、この手法はタンパク構造解析などにも広く適用することが可能である。
Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*; 福田 祐仁; 神門 正城; Bolton, P.; Mitorfanov, A.*; Vinogradov, A.*; 永園 充*; 大橋 治彦*; 矢橋 牧名*; et al.
Optics Express (Internet), 20(4), p.3424 - 3433, 2012/02
被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:77.00(Optics)Optical features of point defects photoluminescence in LiF crystals, irradiated by soft X-ray pulses of the Free Electron Laser were measured. We found that peak of photoluminescence spectra lies near of 530 nm. Our results suggest that redistribution of photoluminescence peak intensity from red to green part of the spectra is associated with a shortening of the applied for irradiation of LiF laser pulses down to pico - or femtosecond durations. Dependence of peak intensity of photoluminescence spectra from the soft X-ray irradiation fluence was measured and the absence of quenching phenomena, even at relatively high fluencies was found, which is very important for wide applications of LiF crystal X-ray imaging detectors.
永園 充*; Harries, J.; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
Physical Review Letters, 107(19), p.193603_1 - 193603_5, 2011/11
被引用回数:37 パーセンタイル:81.75(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We have observed and characterized 501.6 nm collective spontaneous emission (superfluorescence) following 113 excitation of helium atoms by 53.7 nm free-electron laser radiation. Emitted pulse energies of up to 100 nJ (10 photons) are observed, corresponding to a photon number conversion efficiency of up to 10%. We observe the peak intensity to scale as , and the pulse width and delay with respect to the pump pulse to scale as , where is the atom number density. Emitted pulses as short as 1 ps are observed, which corresponds to a rate around 75000 times faster than the spontaneous 1312 decay rate. To our knowledge this is the first observation of superfluorescence following pumping in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength region, and extension of the technique to the generation of EUV and X-ray superfluorescence pulses should be straightforward by using suitable atomic systems and pump wavelengths.
Inogamov, N. A.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Petrov, Y. V.*; Khokhlov, V. A.*; Zhakhovskii, V. V.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; Fortov, V. E.*; Skobelev, I. Y.*; 加藤 義章*; et al.
Journal of Optical Technology, 78(8), p.473 - 480, 2011/08
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:32.40(Optics)An experimental and theoretical study has been carried out of the ablation of a solid insulator with a wide band gap (LiF) under the action of ultrashort laser pulses of the UV range, obtained in a free-electron laser, and the soft X-ray region, obtained in a silver-plasma laser. A comparison is made of the results obtained on the two laser systems. It is shown that the ablation threshold is about the same for both lasers. A theory is presented that explains the weak growth of the ablation mass with increasing surface energy density of the laser radiation (the fluence) in the case of X-ray lasers as a result of the transition from spallation close to the ablation threshold to evaporative ablation at high fluence values.
Inogamov, N. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Zhakhovsky, V. V.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Petrov, Y. V.*; Khokhlov, V. A.*; Shepelev, V. V.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Fortov, V. E.*; et al.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 51(5), p.419 - 426, 2011/06
被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:63.10(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)極短パルス,極端紫外自由電子レーザー(EUV-FEL)パルス(波長:50nm,パルス幅:100fs)をフッ化リチウム(LiF)のような誘電体に照射することで、結晶状態にあるLiFの破砕現象を初めて観測した。低フルーエンスの場合ではLiFの破砕現象が起こり、これがLiFの低いアブレーション閾値の原因となっていることを明らかにした。同様の現象は、ピコ秒パルスの関西光科学研究所X線レーザー装置を用いた実験でも観測されている。この破砕現象は、ナノ秒パルスのX線レーザー装置では観測されておらず、フェムトピコ秒パルス特有の現象であることをモデル計算から明らかにした。
Faenov, A. Y.; Pikuz, T.*; Inogamov, N. A.*; Zhakhovski, V.*; Skobelev, I.*; Khokhlov, V.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Fortov, V. E.*; 福田 祐仁; 加藤 義章*; et al.
no journal, ,
Theoretical and experimental studies of ablation of LiF crystal by X-ray laser and FEL beams were provided. It was found a very low ablation threshold for both types of irradiation. Such a small threshold is one order of magnitude less than the one obtained for X-ray ablation by longer (nanoseconds) pulses or 2 orders smaller than arradiated by fs visible pulses. The theory explains this dramatic difference as a change-over from more energy consuming evaporative ablation to spallative ablation, when the pulse duration decreases from ns to ps time ranges.
Inogamov, N. A.*; Faenov, A. Y.; Pikuz, T.*; Zhakhovski, V.*; Skobelev, I.*; Khokhlov, V.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Fortov, V. E.*; 福田 祐仁; 加藤 義章*; et al.
no journal, ,
The results of theoretical and experimental studies of ablation of LiF crystal by X-ray laser and FEL beams having photons with 89.3 eV and 20 eV with very short duration of pulse 7 ps and 300 fs are presented. It is found that the crater is formed for fluencies above the threshold Fabl about 10 mJ/cm: Such a small threshold is one order of magnitude less than the one obtained for X-ray ablation by longer (nanoseconds) pulses. The theory explains this dramatic difference as a change-over from more energy consuming evaporative ablation to spallative ablation, when the pulse duration decreases from ns to ps time ranges. We demonstrate that tensile stress created in dielectrics by short X-ray pulse can produce spallative ablation of target even for drastically small X-ray fluencies, which open new opportunities for material nano processing.
永園 充*; Harries, J.; 岩山 洋士*; 登野 健介*; 富樫 格*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 矢橋 牧名*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
no journal, ,
Harries, J.; 永園 充*; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
no journal, ,
We are currently witnessing rapid progress in the extension of effects now commonplace with visible light lasers towards shorter and shorter wavelengths. Highlights include XFEL-pumped lasing, and electromagnetically-induced transparency. Superfluorescence shares similarities with ASE lasing, but occurs only if several specific conditions are met. We have observed and characterised superfluorescence at a wavelength of 501.7 nm following 1s1s1s3p excitation of helium atoms by 53.7 nm free-electron laser radiation. Emitted pulse energies of up to 100 nJ (10) photons were observed, corresponding to a photon number conversion efficiency of up to 10%. We observed the peak intensity to scale as , and the pulse width to scale as , where is the atom number density. Emitted pulses as short as 1 ps were observed.
永園 充*; Harries, J.; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 田中 均*; 石川 哲也*; et al.
no journal, ,
Mirroring the development of research using optical wavelength lasers following their invention, we are currently witnessing rapid progress in studies of non-linear optical phenomena and applications at shorter and shorter wavelengths, as short wavelength FEL facilities reach maturity. Much of the recent work done at the Japanese SCSS test accelerator facility showcases non-linear phenomena. Here we present recent research exploiting the characteristics of the SCSS to observe superfluorescence, "Fano profile" wavelength filtering, and plasma up-conversion.
Faenov, A.*; Pikuz, T.; 福田 祐仁; 田中 桃子; 岸本 牧; 石野 雅彦; 錦野 将元; 神門 正城; 河内 哲哉; 永園 充*; et al.
no journal, ,
It was demonstrate high quality, single - shot in situ imaging of the near field and the far field intensity distribution of laser-driven transient-collision plasma and free electron soft X-ray lasers (SXRL) beams with 700 nm spatial resolution by color center formation in LiF crystals. The method based on diffraction of SXRL beams on the periodical structures and registration of diffracted patterns by LiF X-ray detector is proposed. It is demonstrated experimentally and by modeling that such approach allows measuring the intensity, coherence and spectral distribution of SXRL beam across the beam with high accuracy.
Harries, J.; 永園 充*; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
no journal, ,
Recently we have observed superfluorescence following 1s 1s np excitation in helium using 100 fs pulses from the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (SCSS) test accelerator beamline. One requirement for collective decay (as opposed to the competing natural decay and amplified spontaneous emission) is that the inter-atom spacing must be less than the wavelength of the emitted radiation. For visible radiation this is easily achievable in the gas phase, but for shorter wavelengths, clusters and other nano-scale particles present an ideal opportunity for observing and exploiting this mode of decay, which competes with all other decay mechanisms, including Auger. The potential for observing X-ray superradiance from multiphoton excited clusters has been described previously, but to our knowledge never been observed experimentally. We present details of our study in atomic helium gas, and discuss prospects for the extension to clusters and other nano-sized particles.
永園 充*; Harries, J.; 岩山 洋士*; 富樫 格*; 登野 健介*; 矢橋 牧名*; 仙波 泰徳*; 大橋 治彦*; 石川 哲也*; 繁政 英治*
no journal, ,
Superfluorescence is a collective, multi-atom, multi-photon decay process which can occur when a population inversion is created in a large number of atoms with sufficient number density. We create indirectly such an inversion on the helium 3p2s transition by pumping using 53.7 nm EUV Free-electron laser (FEL) radiation at the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (SCSS) test accelerator beamline, producing swept inversion in a 44 mm cube gas cell. Intense, highly-directional (divergence 20 mrad), linearly-polarised radiation at 501.7 nm is emitted in the direction of the incident beam. We have studied the characteristics of the emitted pulses using a streak camera and a calibrated photodiode.
福田 祐仁; Faenov, A. Y.; Pikuz, T. A.*; 大橋 治彦*; 仙波 泰徳*; 永園 充*; 登野 健介*; 富樫 格*; 矢橋 牧名*; 石川 哲也*
no journal, ,
Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*; 福田 祐仁; 田中 桃子; 石野 雅彦; 長谷川 登; 錦野 将元; 大橋 治彦*; 矢橋 牧名*; 登野 健介*; et al.
no journal, ,
Review of results, obtained by using recently proposed new imaging detector, based on formation of color centers in LiF crystal and LiF film, for in situ high performance measurements of near-field and far-field properties of soft X-ray lasers (SXRL) beams is presented. Experiments have been carried out with laser-driven transient-collision plasma SXRL, free electron SXRL, and relativistic HOH beams. It was demonstrated that due to favorable combination of high spatial resolution, high dynamic range and wide field of view, that this technique allows measuring not only intensity distribution across the full beam and in local areas with resolution of 700 nm, but also allows to evaluate coherence and spectral distribution of radiation across the beam. Experimental diffraction patterns in the images of periodical structures are analyzed by comparison with the modeled ones in the last case. Good agreement between experimental and modeling data was obtained.