※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Measurement and simulation of the cross sections for the production of $$^{148}$$Gd in thin $$^{rm nat}$$W and $$^{181}$$Ta targets irradiated with 0.4- to 2.6-GeV protons

0.04-2.6GeVの陽子入射による$$^{rm nat}$$W及び$$^{181}$$Taターゲット内部の$$^{148}$$Gd生成断面積の測定と計算

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Butko, M. A.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Florya, S. N.*; Tikhonov, R. S.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Mashnik, S. G.*; Leray, S.*; Boudard, A.*; Cugnon, J.*; Mancusi, D.*; Yariv, Y.*; 西原 健司  ; 松田 規宏  ; Kumawat, H.*; Mank, G.*; Gudowski, W.*

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Butko, M. A.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Florya, S. N.*; Tikhonov, R. S.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Mashnik, S. G.*; Leray, S.*; Boudard, A.*; Cugnon, J.*; Mancusi, D.*; Yariv, Y.*; Nishihara, Kenji; Matsuda, Norihiro; Kumawat, H.*; Mank, G.*; Gudowski, W.*

ITEP複合加速器施設において、0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6、及び、2.6GeVのエネルギーを持つ陽子を$$^{rm nat}$$W及び$$^{181}$$Taの厚いターゲットに入射した場合の$$^{148}$$Gd生成断面積を、$$alpha$$スペクトロメータを用いて測定した。得られた実験データを他施設の実験結果及び、MCNPX(BERTINI, ISABELモデル), CEM03.02, INCL4.2, INCL4.5, PHITS、及び、CASCADE07コードの計算結果と比較した。2

The cross sections for the production of $$^{148}$$Gd in $$^{rm nat}$$W and $$^{181}$$Ta targets irradiated by 0.4-, 0.6-, 0.8-, 1.2-, 1.6-, and 2.6-GeV protons at the ITEP accelerator complex have been measured by direct $$alpha$$ spectrometry without chemical separation. The experimental data have been compared with the data obtained at other laboratories and with the theoretical simulations of the yields on the basis of the BERTINI, ISABEL, CEM03.02, INCL4.2, INCL4.5, CASCADE07, and PHITS codes.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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