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Report No.

Investigation of the advanced diffusion model in compacted bentonite based on modified Poisson-Boltzmann equations

Yotsuji, Kenji; Tachi, Yukio  ; Nishimaki, Yuichiro*

We have developed integrated sorption and diffusion model (ISD model) for assessment of diffusion parameters consistent with sorption processes in compacted bentonite. Conventional ISD model is unsatisfactory because for multivalent cation/anion and complex ion model predictions disagree with experimental data, and because the model contains additional non-physical fitting parameter. Accordingly we extract the factors influencing the assessment from fundamental assumptions of the conventional ISD model. In this report we incorporated the excluded volume effect, the dielectric saturation effect and the fluctuation potential effect caused by ion-ion electrostatic interaction into ISD model. As results of numerical analysis of these models the considering factors influence hardly the effective diffusivity. Therefore it does not mean that the disagreement with experimental data are caused by considering factors in this report.



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