※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Introduction to nuclear supply chain management; In the context of fuel cycle strategy from LWR cycle system to FR cycle system

原子力のサプライチェーンマネジメントへの導入; 軽水炉サイクルから高速炉サイクルへの燃料サイクル戦略の文脈で

塩谷 洋樹; 小野 清 ; 安松 直人*; 辺田 正則*; 難波 隆司

Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Namba, Takashi


In this paper, the terminologies and ideas of SCM was introduced into the scenario study to give a fresh perspective for considering LWR cycle to FR cycle transition strategies in Japan. Then, an analytical tool (SCM tool) which has been developed by the authors is used to survey Japanese nuclear energy system in transition with the SCM terminologies and viewpoints. As the result of the investigation on the boundary location of "Push type" and "Pull type", the consideration of "Pull-type" operation as well as "Push-type" by SCM tool can expand the scope of future transition strategy construction from LWR cycle to FR cycle.



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