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Spinmotive force due to domain wall motion in high field regime


家田 淳一   ; 山根 結太; 前川 禎通

Ieda, Junichi; Yamane, Yuta; Maekawa, Sadamichi


Spinmotive force associated with a moving vortex domain wall is investigated numerically. Dynamics of magnetization textures such as a domain wall exerts a non-conservative spin-force on conduction electrons, offering a new concept of magnetic devices. This spinmotive force in permalloy nanowires has been detected by voltage measurement where magnitude of the signal is limited less than 500 nV. Theoretically it is suggested that the spinmotive force signal increases as a function of external magnetic fields. At higher magnetic fields, however, the wall propagation mode becomes rather chaotic involving transformations of the wall structure and it remains to be seen how the spinmotive force appears. Numerical simulations show that the spinmotive force scales with the field even in a field range where the wall motion is no longer associated coherent precession. This feature has been tested in a recent experiment.



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