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Effect of $$gamma$$ ray irradiation on deoxidation in aqueous solution by hydrazine


本岡 隆文; 佐藤 智徳  ; 山本 正弘 

Motooka, Takafumi; Sato, Tomonori; Yamamoto, Masahiro


The effect of $$gamma$$ ray irradiation on deoxidation in aqueous solution by hydrazine was investigated using pure water and artificial sea water at room temperature. We placed the solutions with small amount of hydrazine at $$gamma$$ ray irradiation field at dose rates of 0.3-7.5 kGy/h. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the solutions was measured before and after $$gamma$$ ray irradiation. Concentration of dissolved oxygen was not decreased without $$gamma$$ ray irradiation, while concentration of dissolved oxygen was markedly decreased for one hour $$gamma$$ ray irradiation, which is under detection limit at higher dose rate over 2 kGy/h. It is believed that the hydrazine addition to spent nuclear fuel pool water is effective as a method for decreasing concentration of dissolved oxygen.



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