Time-resolved observation of the femto-second laser ablation dynamics by using the plasma X-ray laser
長谷川 登; 錦野 将元; 海堀 岳史; 河内 哲哉; 山極 満; 山本 稔*; 富田 卓朗*; 南 康夫*; 武井 亮太*; 末元 徹
Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Kaihori, Takeshi; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru; Yamamoto, Minoru*; Tomita, Takuro*; Minami, Yasuo*; Takei, Ryota*; Suemoto, Toru
We have developed the femto-second laser pump and soft X-ray laser probe system in order to observe the dynamical processes of the femto-second laser ablation. By using this system, we succeed to obtain the temporal evolution of the soft X-ray reflectivity from the laser induced Pt surface. The results lead that the rate of decrease in the reflectivity of the probe beam has a non-linear relation with the pump laser fluence.