Plan for low level radioactive waste management
北村 高一
; 林道 寛; 長谷川 信; 下村 敦彦; バックエンド推進部門バックエンド推進室
Kitamura, Koichi; Rindo, Hiroshi; Hasegawa, Makoto; Shimomura, Atsuhiko; Nuclear Cycle Backend Co-ordination Office
The management plan is intended to summarize the process of Low level Radioactive Waste in JAEA from its generation to its treatment and disposal. Reasonable implementation of treatment and disposal for the radioactive waste on ensuring security was taken into account when the plan was made or updated based on the Framework for Nuclear Energy Policy made by Japan Atomic Energy Commission in 2005, the progress situation of laws and regulations, safety guides. Moreover, the issues to be solved during the process of implementation the plan were summarized, they will be studied in the plan, and then, its solutions will be reflected in the research program and project. JAEA will be carried out practical work for treatment and disposal of the radioactive waste based on the plan. Then, the updating will be made flexibly according to technology advance and progress situation of laws and regulations.