※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

ボーリング掘削におけるトラブルシューティングの事例分析; 岐阜県東濃地域における深層ボーリング孔での崩壊事例を対象とした取り組み,2

Case-based study for constructing knowledge-based methodologies of trouble in a borehole drilling; An Examples of borehole collapse in the Tono area, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, 2

桝永 幸介; 天野 健治  ; 國丸 貴紀

Masunaga, Kosuke; Amano, Kenji; Kunimaru, Takanori


We tried to carry out a risk assessment on borehole collapse by establishing the collapse rule with applying a decision tree algorithm, in order to extract the factors and common features concerning the borehole collapse. The results suggest that collapse pattern might be characterized by a local rock characteristics and geological distribution. Moreover, the application of the collapse rule to the other location suggests that the rule might be utilized on knowledge acquisition in a case of little prior information, risk assessment and preparation of a countermeasures on the borehole collapse before drilling, and collapse prediction during drilling.



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