※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Electroplating of Ni microstructures on the cross section of Cu wire using PMMA mother fabricated by proton beam writing


田邊 祐介*; 岩本 隆志*; 高橋 潤一*; 西川 宏之*; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 神谷 富裕

Tanabe, Yusuke*; Iwamoto, Takashi*; Takahashi, Junichi*; Nishikawa, Hiroyuki*; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Kamiya, Tomihiro

In this study, the Ni microstructures were attempted to be fabricated on a distal surface of Cu wires with a diameter of 1.0 mm aiming at the use for imprint lithography. Firstly a PMMA master block was fabricated on the distal surface by exposing PB with beam size of 1.1 $$mu$$m at 3.0 MeV and developing it by IPA-water for electroplating. The master block was composed of the 4-$$mu$$m wide lines with pitches of 25 $$mu$$m and depths of 20 $$mu$$m. Secondly the electroplating was performed on the PMMA master block using a nickel sulfamate bath. Thirdly the electroplated Ni surface was mechanically polished easily to remove PMMA by smoothing its surface. Finally, the Ni microstructures with 20.5 $$mu$$m were fabricated by removing the PMMA after polishing. We additionally performed UV imprint lithography of the photosensitive polymer using the Ni microstructures as a mold. The observation result of SEM images of Ni microstructures and UV imprinted grooves showed that their imprinted grooves were successfully transferred by way of the Ni microstructures from the PMMA master block using the combination of the electroplating and imprinting.



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