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Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation in PuIn$$_3$$


芳賀 芳範   ; Bauer, E. D.*; Tobash, P. H.*; Mitchell, J. N.*; Ayala-Valenzuela, O.*; McDonald, R. D.*; Mielke, C. H.*; Fisk, Z.

Haga, Yoshinori; Bauer, E. D.*; Tobash, P. H.*; Mitchell, J. N.*; Ayala-Valenzuela, O.*; McDonald, R. D.*; Mielke, C. H.*; Fisk, Z.

Fermi surface of PuIn$$_3$$ is investigated using a flux-grown single crystals. Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations were detected by means of the skin-depth measurement using a proximity-detector- oscillator circuit. Angular dependence of the SdH frequency which corresponds to the extremal cross-sectional area of Fermi surface agrees well with the previous magnetic susceptibility measurement using conventional field-modulation method. The SdH oscillation suddenly vanishes when the magnetic field is tilted from the cubic [111] direction.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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