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An Analysis of He-vacancy clusters in grain boundaries of $$alpha$$-Fe

鈴土 知明   ; 都留 智仁   ; 山口 正剛   

Suzudo, Tomoaki; Tsuru, Tomohito; Yamaguchi, Masatake


In the condition of severe accidents or fusion device environment, structural materials are exposed to radiation in high temperatures, and this condition easily causes grain boundary (GB) bubbles that lead materials to embrittlement. In the present study, to investigate the mechanism of nucleation of GB bubbles, we conducted a series of analyses of He-vacancy clusters, i.e. micro bubbles, at GBs using empirical potentials. First, we created Fe crystal systems that include various types of GBs and inserted He-vacancy clusters at the GBs. Second, we calculated the formation energy of the clusters and the binding energy of He (and vacancy) to the clusters. We found that the formation energy of the clusters in GBs is generally lower than those in the bulk, and that the equilibrium He-vacancy ratio of the clusters tend to increase in the GBs in comparison with those in the bulk.



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