※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Conceptual design of near surface disposal facilities of radioactive wastes generated from research, industrial and medical facilities

天澤 弘也; 坂井 章浩 ; 仲田 久和 ; 原 弘典; 黒澤 亮平; 山本 正幸*; 河田 陽介*; 坂本 義昭 

Amazawa, Hiroya; Sakai, Akihiro; Nakata, Hisakazu; Hara, Hironori; Kurosawa, Ryohei; Yamamoto, Masayuki*; Kawata, Yosuke*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki


JAEA is responsible for siting a proper location to establish new disposal facilities with siting criterion and procedure, in consideration of transparency and impartial for the siting process, based on Plan Concerning the Disposal Business Execution. As a part of the study to draw up siting criterion and procedure, Sensitivity analysis of the disposal facilities from the viewpoint of dose evaluation and cost estimation under various siting condition will be carried out. Therefore, Conceptual design of disposal facilities as a reference case is necessary. The basic condition of the design conforms to the property, quantity, radioactivity of waste packages, technical standards and likely siting condition. This report summarizes the results of the reasonable design of our disposal facilities and the layout of the place of activity where the disposal facilities and associated facilities to be installed.



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