※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Distribution of lanthanum containing carbon nanocapsules in the DC arc cathode deposit

山本 和典; 社本 真一  ; 赤阪 健*

Yamamoto, Kazunori; Shamoto, Shinichi; Akasaka, Takeshi*


Historically, the conventional DC arc discharge experiments provided carbon nanocapsules containing nanocrystals of LaC$$_{2}$$ in carbonaceous deposit on cathode. Typical powder X-ray diffraction profiles of the cathode deposit shows signals of LaC$$_{2}$$. Although LaC$$_{2}$$ is very reactive with H$$_{2}$$O and easily converts to La(OH)$$_{3}$$ in humid air, diffraction peaks of LaC$$_{2}$$ crystals were observed, which means the LaC$$_{2}$$ crystals are in carbon nanocapsules and are protected from water molecules. Recently we have found that no nanoencapsulates were observed in the center of the cathode deposit, and that the nanoencapsulates were concentrated under outer-shell of the cathode deposit. Distribution of the nanoencapsulates and the formation process in the cathode deposit will be discussed.



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