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 年 ~ 

An Integrated geologic- and engineering-length scale forward modeling for response estimation of nuclear power plant due to the rupture of a nearby fault


Quinay, P. E.*; 市村 強*; 堀 宗朗*; 西田 明美  ; 吉村 忍*

Quinay, P. E.*; Ichimura, Tsuyoshi*; Hori, Muneo*; Nishida, Akemi; Yoshimura, Shinobu*


In this paper we discuss the development of seismic response estimation method for nuclear power plant building structures based on fault-structure system. In analysing this system, we model the source process, seismic wave propagation in the crust and soil structure, and the dynamic response of the building structure. Due to the varied length-scales involved in simulating from the fault rupture to the building dynamic response, the computation cost of analysis is high. Thus, we perform the analysis by combining a multiscale approach called the Macro-Micro Analysis (MMA), and distributed-memory parallel computing. As an application example, we compute the response of a model of a nuclear power plant building with the 2007 Chuetsu-oki earthquake as the source. We target accuracy of the forward modelling up to 1.0 Hz. Advantages for the analysis of NPP building in the structure-level and in the finite element level are discussed.



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