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Report No.

Proceedings of 2012 JAEA/KAERI Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE Technologies; March 28-30, 2012, Mito, Japan

Ishihara, Masahiro ; Ishitsuka, Etsuo   ; Suzuki, Masahide

Under the "Arrangement for Corporation in the field of peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy between the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)", the 2012 JAEA/KAERI Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE (post-irradiation examination) Technologies has been held at Mito, Japan from March 28 to 30, 2012. This triennial seminar is the seventh in series of bilateral exchange of irradiation and PIE technologies and research reactor management. Since the first joint seminar on the PIE Technology between JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, former agency of JAEA) and KAERI was held at JAERI Oarai Research Institute, Japan in 1992, the international cooperation program between JAEA and KAERI has been actively carried out in the field of neutron irradiation. At the fifth seminar in 2005 and sixth in 2008, the irradiation technology and the research reactor management fields were included, respectively, to the joint seminar, and it covers whole areas of irradiation using research reactors. In this seminar total 37 presentations were made in three technical sessions, which are "research reactor management", "advanced irradiation technology" and "post-irradiation examination technology", and active information exchange was done among participants. Papers or manuscripts presented in the 2012 JAEA/KAERI Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE Technologies are contained in the proceedings.



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