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 年 ~ 

Air shower simulation for WASAVIES; Warning system for aviation exposure to solar energetic particles


佐藤 達彦   ; 片岡 龍峰*; 保田 浩志*; 八代 誠司*; 桑原 孝夫*; 塩田 大幸*; 久保 勇樹*

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Yashiro, Seiji*; Kuwabara, Takao*; Shiota, Daiko*; Kubo, Yuki*


We applied our simulation technique to the analysis of air shower induced by mono-energetic protons and alpha particles, which are the dominant component of SEP. The results of the simulations were summarized in a database containing particle fluxes for each condition as a function of the atmospheric depth. This database was then incorporated into our developing Warning System of AVIation Exposure to SEP called WASAVIES. In this system, the aircrew doses due to SEP exposure are estimated within 6 hours after the flare onset, using the established database multiplied with the SEP fluxes incident to the earth. The MHD Cube model is employed in the determination of the incident SEP fluxes. The procedures for the air shower simulation together with some initial results of the aircrew dose calculations for past ground-level enhancement (GLE) events will be presented at the meeting.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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