Uncertainty evaluation for
Cm production in spent fuel of light water reactor by using burnup sensitivity analysis
大泉 昭人
; 横山 賢治
; 石川 眞; 久語 輝彦 
Oizumi, Akito; Yokoyama, Kenji; Ishikawa, Makoto; Kugo, Teruhiko
The uncertainty evaluation for the minor-actinide production is important to assure the reliability of the basic database of heat generation and radioactivity from reactor spent fuel. To identify the cross-section improvement priority for nuclide, reaction and energy range, the present paper describes the evaluation methodology for effective uncertainty reduction of target nuclide production by using the burnup sensitivity coefficients and the covariance of nuclear data. As a typical instance, the
Cm production is focused on. The objects of uncertainty analysis are MOX and UO
of a pressurized water reactor, so that we can clarify the difference of the uncertainties between them. From the result, it is found that the nuclides near
Cm on the burnup chain such as
Am and
Pu are important to produce
Cm in both fuel types. In addition, it is confirmed the priority of
Pu and
Pu is higher than
U and
Pu. Finally, the accuracy improvement of
Am capture in the thermal and resonance regions should take a higher-priority than in the fast region.