※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Handling of off-gas produced in the mercury target of spallation neutron source in J-PARC

甲斐 哲也   ; 関 正和; 植野 英樹; 木下 秀孝   ; 大都 起一; 勅使河原 誠   ; 粉川 広行  ; 春日井 好己  

Kai, Tetsuya; Seki, Masakazu; Ueno, Hideki; Kinoshita, Hidetaka; Otsu, Kiichi; Teshigawara, Makoto; Kogawa, Hiroyuki; Kasugai, Yoshimi


Various radioactive nuclei are produced in the mercury circulation system of J-PARC spallation neutron source. It is required to minimize release of such volatile radioactivity as tritium (half-life of 12 years) and xenon-127 (half-life of 36 days) during works opening the mercury system to the atmosphere to replace a mercury target chamber, etc. Although a depuration process by helium-gas flushing is carried out to the mercury system, a disposal of large amount of produced gas would be an issue. Thus a test was performed to remove xenon-127 from the disposal gas. As a result the concentration of xenon-127 was successfully reduced down to one-hundredth after a 6-hour operation of a charcoal trap cooled by liquid-nitrogen. In addition desorption of xenon-127 was confirmed by heating the charcoal trap to 100 degree in Celsius. These test indicated that xenon-127 in off-gas can be well removed by using the cooled charcoal trap.



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