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Report No.

Review to give the public clear information on near surface disposal project of low-level radioactive wastes generated from research, industrial and medical facilities

Shobu, Nobuhiro ; Kato, Masatoshi*; Takao, Tomoe*; Terashima, Daisuke*; Tanaka, Yoshie*; Shirasu, Hisanori*; Amazawa, Hiroya; Koibuchi, Hiroto; Nakata, Hisakazu 

JAEA has promoted near surface disposal project for low-level radioactive wastes generated from research, industrial and medical facilities. JAEA has carried out public information about the project. When some town meetings are held toward mutual understanding with the public more detailed and clear explanations for safety management of the project are needed especially. Therefore, the information provision method to make the public understand should be reviewed. Moreover, a survey should be carried out in order to get a sense of what the public knows, what it values and where it stands on nuclear energy and radiation issues, because the social environment surrounding nuclear energy and radiation issues has changed as a result of the accident at the Fukushima on March 11, 2011. This review clarified the points to keep in mind about public information on the project, and that public recognition or understanding toward nuclear energy and radiation was changed before and after the accident.



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