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Defect characterization in compositionally graded InGaAs layers on GaAs (001) grown by MBE


佐々木 拓生; Norman, A. G.*; Romero, M. J.*; Al-Jassim, M. M.*; 高橋 正光; 小島 信晃*; 大下 祥雄*; 山口 真史*

Sasaki, Takuo; Norman, A. G.*; Romero, M. J.*; Al-Jassim, M. M.*; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Kojima, Nobuaki*; Oshita, Yoshio*; Yamaguchi, Masafumi*

Defect characterization in compositionally step graded In$$_{x}$$Ga$$_{1-x}$$As layers with different thickness of the overshooting (OS) layer was performed using cathodoluminescence (CL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We found that the type and in-plane distribution of defects generated in the top InGaAs layer grown on step graded layers strongly depend on the thickness of the OS layer. In the thin OS layer, a high density of threading dislocations aligned along [110] was observed. In the thick OS layer, significant line defects associating composition variation were dominantly present. These features on defect type and distribution would relate to strain and configuration of the OS layer.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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