※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Solidification and leaching property of sludge containing fluoride

綱嶋 康倫; 島崎 雅夫; 大橋 裕介 ; 田中 祥雄 ; 野村 光生

Tsunashima, Yasumichi; Shimazaki, Masao; Ohashi, Yusuke; Tanaka, Yoshio; Nomura, Mitsuo


The operation waste of uranium conversion plant and uranium enrichment plant is called sludge, and contains many fluoride which is deleterious material. For disposal, elution of fluoride is a problem. Moreover, sludge contains many calcium sulfate and we are anxious about expansion of cement solidification object by superfluous generation ofettringite. Therefore, we report solidification and the leaching property of the cement solidification object of the sludge containing many fluoride. Moreover, we report solidification and the leaching property of sludge using magnesium oxide solidification material as a method of controlling elution and expansion of fluoride.



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