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 年 ~ 

Deformation behavior of an austenitic steel by neutron diffraction


Harjo, S.   ; 阿部 淳; 相澤 一也  ; Gong, W.; 岩橋 孝明

Harjo, S.; Abe, Jun; Aizawa, Kazuya; Gong, W.; Iwahashi, Takaaki

An austenitic stainless steel type 304, which is one of the most popular materials in use, was tensile deformed and in situ neutron diffraction measurement was performed. The neutron diffraction measurement was conducted using the engineering materials diffractometer installed at MLF/J-PARC. Because of the combination of the high neutron intensity, the high counting rate and an event data recording method, in situ neutron diffraction during tensile loading at plastic deformation could be performed without any interruption of load or displacement. Lattice strains observed during deformation were discussed on the crystal orientation dependence.



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