※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development and test of JT-60SA central solenoid model coil


村上 陽之; 木津 要; 土屋 勝彦; 小出 芳彦; 吉田 清; 尾花 哲浩*; 高畑 一也*; 濱口 真司*; 力石 浩孝*; 夏目 恭平*; 三戸 利行*; 今川 信作*; 野元 一宏*; 今井 良夫*

Murakami, Haruyuki; Kizu, Kaname; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Koide, Yoshihiko; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Obana, Tetsuhiro*; Takahata, Kazuya*; Hamaguchi, Shinji*; Chikaraishi, Hirotaka*; Natsume, Kyohei*; Mito, Toshiyuki*; Imagawa, Shinsaku*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Imai, Yoshio*


Central Solenoid (CS) of JT-60SA are designed with the Nb$$_{3}$$Sn cable in conduit conductor. CS model coil (CSMC) was manufactured by using the real manufacturing jigs and procedure to validate the CS manufacturing processes before starting mass production. The dimensions of the CSMC are the same as real quad-pancake. The cold test of the CSMC was performed and the test results satisfied the design requirements. These results indicate that the manufacturing processes of the JT-60SA CS has been established. In this paper, the development and the validation of the CS manufacturing processes are described.



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分野:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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