※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Sensitivity analysis related to site environmental conditions of near surface disposal of radioactive wastes generated from research, industrial and medical facilities

坂井 章浩 ; 黒澤 亮平; 原 弘典*; 仲田 久和 ; 天澤 弘也; 有川 眞伸*; 坂本 義昭 

Sakai, Akihiro; Kurosawa, Ryohei; Hara, Hironori*; Nakata, Hisakazu; Amazawa, Hiroya; Arikawa, Masanobu*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki


The sensitivity analysis of doses in terms of the environmental conditions was performed by statistical method in order to make the technical basis for the siting criteria of near surface disposal facility for low level radioactive waste generated from research, industrial and medical facilities. Doses calculated at all assumed pathways in more than 97.5% of calculation cases were able to be reduced below the target dose after control period (0.01 mSv/y) by means of equipping the disposal facility with additional engineered barriers. As a result, we concluded it was possible to safely and rationally design disposal facilities in most of the environmental parameters related to safety assessment. Another sensitivity analysis was done in order to discuss the area of disposal site. Dose at the site boundary were able to be reduce below the target dose during operation (0.05 mSv/y) whenever the distances from these facilities to the site boundary were more than 120 m, respectively.



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