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Development of multi-purpose MW gyrotrons for fusion devices


南 龍太郎*; 假家 強*; 今井 剛*; 沼倉 友晴*; 遠藤 洋一*; 中林 英隆*; 江口 濯*; 下妻 隆*; 久保 伸*; 吉村 泰夫*; 伊神 弘恵*; 高橋 裕己*; 武藤 敬*; 伊藤 哲*; 出射 浩*; 図子 秀樹*; 山口 裕資*; 坂本 慶司; 満仲 義加*; GAMMA10グループ*

Minami, Ryutaro*; Kariya, Tsuyoshi*; Imai, Tsuyoshi*; Numakura, Tomoharu*; Endo, Yoichi*; Nakabayashi, Hidetaka*; Eguchi, Taku*; Shimozuma, Takashi*; Kubo, Shin*; Yoshimura, Yasuo*; Igami, Hiroe*; Takahashi, Hiromi*; Muto, Takashi*; Ito, Satoshi*; Idei, Hiroshi*; Zushi, Hideki*; Yamaguchi, Yusuke*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Mitsunaka, Yoshika*; GAMMA10 Group*

The latest development achievements in the University of Tsukuba of over-1 MW power level gyrotrons required in present-day fusion devices, GAMMA 10, Large Helical Device (LHD), QUEST, Heliotron J and NSTX, are presented. The obtained maximum outputs are 1.9 MW for 0.1 s on the 77 GHz LHD tube and 1.2 MW for 1ms on the 28 GHz GAMMA10 one, which are new records in these frequency ranges. In long-pulse operation, 0.3 MW for 40 min at 77 GHz and 0.54 MW for 2 s at 28 GHz are achieved. A new programme of 154 GHz 1 MW development has started for high-density plasma heating in LHD. On the first 154 GHz tube, 1.0 MW for 1 s is achieved. As a next activity of the 28 GHz gyrotron, an over-1.5 MW gyrotron is designed and fabricated to study the multi-MW oscillation. The possibility of 0.4 MW continuous wave and 2 MW level output in operations of a few seconds, after the improvements of output window and mode converter, is shown. Moreover, a new design study of dual-frequency gyrotron at 28 and 35 GHz has started, which indicates the practicability of the multi-purpose gyrotron.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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