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 年 ~ 

Development of Vitrification Technology at JAEA


捧 賢一; 小林 秀和 ; 菖蒲 康夫; 藤原 孝治; 塩月 正雄; 三浦 信之

Sasage, Kenichi; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Ayame, Yasuo; Fujiwara, Koji; Shiotsuki, Masao; Miura, Nobuyuki

The first melter of TVF produced 130 canisters from 1995 to 2002. The first melter has remotely removed and replaced by the second melter. As we expect that the third melter will be necessary in order to process the whole HAW which has already generated from TRP, we have conducted development of simulation technology, evaluation of melter bottom structure or electrode arrangement, basic test regarding to noble metals behavior and its influence on viscosity and specific resistance of glass.



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