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Influence of surface oxide layer on deuterium molecule desorption from V(001) surface

寺岡 有殿; 戸出 真由美*; Harries, J.; 吉越 章隆 

Teraoka, Yuden; Tode, Mayumi*; Harries, J.; Yoshigoe, Akitaka

The desorption of deuterium molecules from a V(001) surface is limited by deuterium diffusion in the oxide layer. The distribution of desorption temperature can be controlled by varying the oxide layer thickness. The desorption of deuterium molecules existing near the surface shifts towards a higher temperature region over room temperature. The desorption of deuterium molecules dissolving in the bulk could not be controlled because the oxide layer is still degraded near the higher desorption temperature. Whether the deuterium desorption can be controlled by the oxide layer or not is determined by a relationship between oxide degradation temperatures and deuterium desorption temperatures.



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