ICRU review of operational quantities for external radiation exposure; Options for a modified system
外部被ばくに対する実用量に関するICRUのレビュー; 改訂のための選択肢
Bartlett, D.*; Hertel, N.*; Dietze, G.*; Bordy, J.-M.*; 遠藤 章
; Gualdrini, G.*; Pelliccioni, M.*; Ambrosi, P.*; Otto, T.*; Siebert, B.*; Veinot, K.*
Bartlett, D.*; Hertel, N.*; Dietze, G.*; Bordy, J.-M.*; Endo, Akira; Gualdrini, G.*; Pelliccioni, M.*; Ambrosi, P.*; Otto, T.*; Siebert, B.*; Veinot, K.*
The routine assessment of radiation exposure is in terms of the protection quantities effective dose and equivalent dose in organs or tissues. These quantities are not measurable. For practical applications in radiological protection operational quantities have been defined for external radiation, which are used for the assessment of values of protection quantities. The present system of operational dose quantities for area and personal monitoring has been defined by ICRU, and has been in use for more than 20 years. Special attention has been paid to some inconsistencies in the application of these quantities, in particular for high-energy radiation fields. An ICRU Committee is reviewing the operational dose quantities for external radiation. Various options to the definitions of the operational quantities and their application are being considered. The presentation analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the options for a recommendation.