Studies on the relaxation time of radicals in irradiated foods using pulse-ESR and CW-ESR
岸田 敬吾*; 川村 翔栄*; 亀谷 宏美*; 中村 秀夫*; 菊地 正博; 小林 泰彦; 鵜飼 光子*
Kishida, Keigo*; Kawamura, Shoei*; Kameya, Hiromi*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*
, T
, T
Using Pulse-Electron Spin Resonance (Pulse-ESR) spectroscopy and Continuous Wave-Electron Spin Resonance (CW-ESR) spectroscopy, we revealed the relaxation time (T
, T
) of radicals induced in irradiated foods. The relaxation time was directly analyzed by Pulse-ESR. Using CW-ESR, the relaxation time was calculated by the measured spectrum parameter indirectly. We succeeded in the detection of Pulse-ESR signal of irradiated hard wheat flour and irradiated black pepper. It was suggested that using CW-ESR T
and T
can be calculated effectively, but the value was tend to slightly lower due to the parameters for calculation are affected by the contents of food especially protein.