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Reference design of the power supply system for the resistive-wall-mode control in JT-60SA


Ferro, A.*; Gaio, E.*; Novello, L.*; 松川 誠; 島田 勝弘; 川俣 陽一; 武智 学

Ferro, A.*; Gaio, E.*; Novello, L.*; Matsukawa, Makoto; Shimada, Katsuhiro; Kawamata, Yoichi; Takechi, Manabu

JT-60SA is the satellite tokamak under construction in Naka, Japan, in the framework of the EU - JA "Broader Approach" Agreement. In JT-60SA, to attain steady-state high-beta plasmas, suppression of Resistive Wall Modes (RWM) is necessary. At this purpose, a passive stabilizing plate (SP) and an active control system based on 18 in-vessel sector coils (SC) are foreseen. This paper firstly reports the main requirements for the RWM control system. Then, the reference design of the RWM-PS is described. It includes an ac/dc conversion system, dc-link capacitor banks and a set of 18 fast inverters. The advantages of the proposed scheme are discussed and the main electrical parameters are shown in detail. The main requirements of the control section are given, with details on possible implementation and interfaces with JT-60SA central control.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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