Thermal expansion measurement of (U,Pu)O
in oxygen partial pressure controlled atmosphere
加藤 正人
; 生澤 佳久
; 砂押 剛雄*; McClellan, K.*; Nelson, A.*
Kato, Masato; Ikusawa, Yoshihisa; Sunaoshi, Takeo*; McClellan, K.*; Nelson, A.*
Thermal expansion of MOX was measured as a function of O/M ratio. The measurements of the thermal expansion and O/M were carried out with dilatometer and thermo gravimeter, respectively, in cooling process of 4 K/min. Oxygen potential of MOX has been measured, and the correlation was derived to represent the relationship between oxygen potential and O/M ratio. The P
in the atmosphere was controlled according to the previous data which were controlled by adjusting PH
O ratio. It was confirmed to hold constant O/M ratio during the measurements by thermo-gravimetry. Thermal expansion of (U
increased with increasing the deviation x. The correlation to represent the thermal expansion was derived with Pu content and O/M ratio. The thermal expansion coefficients are consistent with those of PuO