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 年 ~ 

Radiological characteristics of MRI-based VIP polymer gel under carbon beam irradiation


前山 拓哉*; 福西 暢尚*; 石川 顕一*; 古田 琢哉   ; 深作 和明*; 高木 周*; 野田 茂穂*; 姫野 龍太郎*; 福田 茂一*

Maeyama, Takuya*; Fukunishi, Nobuhisa*; Ishikawa, Kenichi*; Furuta, Takuya; Fukasaku, Kazuaki*; Takagi, Shu*; Noda, Shigeho*; Himeno, Ryutaro*; Fukuda, Shigekazu*


We study the radiological characteristics of VIP polymer gel dosimeters under carbon beam irradiation with energy of 135 and 290 AMeV. To evaluate dose response of VIP polymer gels, the transverse relaxation rate R2 of the dosimeters measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a function of linear energy transfer (LET), rather than penetration depth, as is usually done in previous reports. LET is evaluated by use of the particle transport simulation code PHITS. Our results reveal that the dose response decreases with increasing dose-averaged LET and that the response-LET relation also varies with incident carbon beam energy. The latter can be explained by taking into account the contribution from fragmentation products. Furthermore, as an application of the evaluated response-LET relation, we compare the measured and simulated R2 distribution in a VIP gel formed by heterogeneous irradiation and obtain agreement in overall distribution and range within an accuracy of 5% and 1-2 mm, respectively.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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