Experimental study on control blade degradation and its modeling
倉田 正輝
; 柴田 裕樹
; 坂本 寛*; 藤 健彦*
Kurata, Masaki; Shibata, Hiroki; Sakamoto, Kan*; To, Takehiko*
Control blade degradation is predicted to occur at the early stage of severe accident of boiling water reactor. Simulation tests and modeling are being performed by collaboration among JAEA, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy (Hitachi-GE), Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development (NFD), and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC). Preliminary simulation tests under inert atmosphere indicated that complicated chemical reactions progressed and that finally the mixture of degraded control blade and the channel box separated into two parts. The first part rich in Zr had low melting temperature and flowed down from the high temperature region like candling. The second part rich in steel, B, and C mechanically collapsed down at temperatures higher than approximately 1673K. The interaction between the control blade and the channel box was highly exothermic. Preliminary model for control blade degradation is being developed using VOFFLUENT, which successfully simulates the early stage ofthe control blade degradation.