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Report No.

Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in neutral chloride aqueous solution under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation; Effect of chloride ion concentration

Motooka, Takafumi; Yonekawa, Kazuo; Ueno, Fumiyoshi  

It is known that the corrosion of steel in neutral chloride solution has a chloride concentration at which the corrosion rate reaches a maximum. However, it is unknown that the effect of radiation at a low dose rate on this phenomenon. Therefore, we examined the effect of radiation at a low dose rate on corrosion of steel in neutral chloride solution by corrosion tests using various concentration of chloride neutral solutions. As the results, the corrosion rate becomes a maximum at a certain chloride concentration. It is consider that the increase in conductivity of solutions along with the chloride concentration increases and the decrease in concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and dissolved oxygen are key factors for the corrosion of steel in neutral chloride solution under a low dose rate condition.



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