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Report No.

Investigation of release behavior of volatile ruthenium species from thermal decomposition of ruthenium nitrosylnitrate

Abe, Hitoshi ; Masaki, Tomoo; Amano, Yuki ; Uchiyama, Gunzo 

To contribute safety evaluation of boiling and drying accident of high active liquid waste (HALW) in fuel reprocessing plant, release behavior of Ru, which was considered as an important nuclide for evaluating public dose from the volatile viewpoint, has been investigated. It has been reported that release of Ru becomes conspicuously after HALW is dried up. In this work, to grasp the release behavior of Ru, release ratio of Ru with thermal decomposition of Ru nitrate, which would be in the dried HALW, was measured and release rate constant of Ru from the nitrate was estimated. It was found that the calculation result of release rate of Ru from the nitrate with rise of temperature by using the constant could well simulate the result acquired from the beaker-scale experiment.



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