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 年 ~ 


Results of winding trial and manufacturing developments for ITER TF coil

梶谷 秀樹; 辺見 努; 水谷 拓海; 松井 邦浩; 高野 克敏; 安藤 真次; 小泉 徳潔

Kajitani, Hideki; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Mizutani, Takumi; Matsui, Kunihiro; Takano, Katsutoshi; Ando, Shinji; Koizumi, Norikiyo


JAEA is charging on procurement of 9 TF coils in ITER project. To meet the schedule of ITER project, TF coils should be fabricated in 2 manufacturing lines. In the TF coil winding production, the conductor should be inserted the radial plate (RP) groove after its D shape winding and heat treatment. To insert the conductor into RP groove correctly, the conductor length should be controlled within the error of $$pm$$0.01%. To achieve this high accuracy winding system, the winding system using laser marker and CCD camera to measure conductor length was developed and then the winding trials had been performed using this system. As a result, high accuracy winding could be achieved.



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