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Spin-polarized majorana quasiparticle bound states in topological superconductors


永井 佑紀   ; 中村 博樹  ; 町田 昌彦  

Nagai, Yuki; Nakamura, Hiroki; Machida, Masahiko


The discovery of topological superconductors opened a new research avenue on superconducting states. The topologically-protected nature results in gapless zero-energy quasi-particles identified as the Majorana fermions at surface edges, while the superconducting gap opens in the bulk. The experimental works on topological insulators have recently revealed that Bi$$_{2}$$Se$$_{3}$$ and SnTe turn into superconductors with carrier doping. Their superconducting gap functions are not conventional, since zero-bias conductance peaks (ZBCP's) have been detected by the point contact spectroscopy. ZBCP's can be regarded to originate from their non-trivial topology. The Majorana fermion appears at not only surface edges but also vortex cores in topological superconductors. We reveal that Majorana quasiparticle bound states inside the vortex core are spin-polarized by solving the massive Dirac Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations considering the spin-orbit coupling. This results is universal for "Dirac superconductivity" whose rotational degree of freedom is characterized by the total angular momentum J = S + L. Spin-sensitive probes such as the neutron scattering and other measurements above the first critical magnetic field can easily detect the spin-polarized vortex core.



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