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Preliminary examination about the seal leak using the photocoagulation resin (Joint research)

大岡 誠; 前川 康成; 富塚 千昭; 村上 知行*; 片桐 源一*; 尾崎 博*; 河村 弘

Ooka, Makoto; Maekawa, Yasunari; Tomizuka, Chiaki; Murakami, Tomoyuki*; Katagiri, Genichi*; Ozaki, Hiroshi*; Kawamura, Hiroshi


An action for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Tokyo Electric Power Company) is pushed forward now. For fuel debris Remove, it is necessary to fill the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) with water. Because a coolant leaks out from the PCV, it becomes the most important problem to seal leak the coolant. Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Safety Research Establishment has examined the method of seal leak using the photocoagulation resin. However, originally the photocoagulation resin is used as coating or the painting, and the applicability to seal leak water is unknown. This report describes the result that examined the applicability to seal leak using photocoagulation resin.



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