Comparison between Monte Carlo simulation and measurement with a 3D polymer gel dosimeter for dose distributions in biological samples
古田 琢哉
; 前山 拓哉*; 石川 顕一*; 福西 暢尚*; 深作 和明*; 高木 周*; 野田 茂穂*; 姫野 龍太郎*; 林 慎一郎*
Furuta, Takuya; Maeyama, Takuya*; Ishikawa, Kenichi*; Fukunishi, Nobuhisa*; Fukasaku, Kazuaki*; Takagi, Shu*; Noda, Shigeho*; Himeno, Ryutaro*; Hayashi, Shinichiro*
Low reproducibility of dose distribution in inhomogeneous regions such as soft matter near bones is known with the simple dose analysis currently adopted in treatment planning of particle cancer therapy. Therefore a treatment planning system based on Monte Carlo simulation having better accuracy is highly desired. In order to assess the simulation accuracy of a Monte Carlo simulation code in situations closely related to medical application, we performed a comparison of dose distribution in a biological sample obtained by experiment and that by simulation. In particular, we irradiate a carbon beam on a biological sample composed of fresh chicken meat and bones, with a PAGAT gel dosimeter placed behind it, and compare the complex dose distribution in the gel dosimeter created by the beam passing through the inhomogeneous sample. Monte Carlo simulation using PHITS code was conducted by reconstructing the biological sample from its computed tomography images. The simulation accurately reproduced the experimental distal edge structure of the dose distribution with an accuracy under about 2 mm.